IDV: for Florence, Fittante proposes a no-slot-machine sticker

The Municipality of Rubiera (RE) adheres to the no slot manifesto
The collection of IDV signatures for the anti-gambling law starts on August 2nd
Power. Bella's IDV also supports the collection of signatures against gambling


(Jamma) “100 billion turnover, 4% of national GDP, 8 billion taxes, 12% of Italian household spending, 15% of the European gambling market, 4,4% of the world market, 400.000 slots- machines, 6.181 clubs and authorized agencies, 15 million habitual players, around 800.000 gamblers affected by gambling addiction, from 2 to 3 million at pathological risk, 5-6 billion a year needed to treat addicts from pathological gambling, in addition to other induced expenses, which make up a very high social cost”.

These are the data published on the Italia dei Valori website which is carrying out a nationwide collection of signatures for a popular initiative law against gambling, aimed at combating gambling addiction caused above all by slot machines.

The IDV council group in Palazzo Vecchio, coordinated by Giovanni Fittante, adheres to the national initiative and proposes a motion for Florence with two interventions: a "no slot machines sticker" to be applied to merchants who do not want slot machines in their premises, giving a strong signal of contrast to gambling in the city (with a counterpart in terms of tax incentives or reductions on municipal taxes) and the adhesion, by the Florentine municipal administration, to an appeal by the League of Autonomies and the Terra di means against gambling, which provides, among other things, actions in synergy with other Italian municipalities on a theme that prefigures as a real social scourge.

The motion is presented to the press on Thursday 1 August, has already been filed and will be voted on in the commission and in the classroom by the Florence City Council when work resumes in September.

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