Tender for 2000 gaming shops: from 8 July the detachment from the national totalizer of the non-contracted subjects

ASSOSNAI, The Court of Rome confirms the seizure of centers connected to Skysport365

(Jamma) The Customs and Monopolies Agency announces that "as known, the combined provisions of paragraphs 9 octies and 9 novies of the decree law of 2 March 2012, n.16 provides that the concessionaires for the collection of so-called "renewed" bets due date dated 30 June 2012, they continue their collection activities until the date of signing of the concessions accessing the concessions for which the procedure connected to the selection tender is being concluded.

For the purposes of pursuing the various interests involved and in the light of the provisions of the aforementioned provisions, we inform you that on 8 July 2013 the Customs and Monopolies Agency will carry out the disconnection of the connections from the national totalizer of horse racing and sports concessions " renewed" and the relative remote concessions belonging to subjects who have NOT been awarded, either directly or indirectly (for example, in the context of consortia, companies to be incorporated), of the concession referred to in the tender".

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