Total government revenue relating to gaming (which includes various taxes classified as both direct and indirect tax revenue) in the first 9 months of the year amounted to 6.969 million euros; considering only indirect taxes, the revenue from gaming activities (lotteries and other gaming activities) is 6.228 million euros (-6.301 million euros, equal to –50,3%).

This is what we read in the latest bulletin relating to state tax revenues.

Winning gaming machines guaranteed revenues of 5.154 million, or 3% less than in the first 9 months of 2022.

From 2023, some changes have been introduced to the accounting entry criteria for tax and non-tax revenues. In particular the chapter relating to the game of lotto , which until 2022 was part of tax revenue (cap. 1801), category of indirect taxes, in 2023 is considered non-tax revenue.

On the contrary, the revenue relating to withholding tax on gaming winnings lotto, provided for by art. 1, paragraph 488, of Law no. 30 of 2004 December 311 (chapter 2328) which, until 2022 was considered non-tax revenue, from 2023 it is classified among tax revenue, category of direct taxes.

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