Ivan Zazzaroni, Director of Corriere dello Sport – Stadio, delves into the merits of the Growth Decree and support for sport through the pages of his newspaper.

“To recover resources, and above all superior ones, our football must fight on the field of betting and convince the Executive to correct another decree, the Dignity: the return of advertising for regulated betting it is a necessary step, even vital. The most serious and useful fight is therefore against illegality which has caused and continues to cause so much damage, pushing bettors to chase out-of-control winnings and undermining the regularity of the championships. There is another equally important aspect that must be taken into consideration: sports betting is mainly fueled by football: I find it paradoxical that football is prohibited from accessing some of the money it generates. Think about what would happen if the A, B and Lega Pro teams decided to stop. Of course, there is still the scratch card (...). Unfortunately, however, there are also ever-growing illegal sites".

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