“CGIL FP, CISL FP and UILPA have learned that the Territorial Directorate of Tuscany and Umbria has issued a new request for personnel for the Umbria region, accepting the requests that had been made previously by these trade unions. CGIL FP, CISL FP and UILPA acknowledge the effort that the Territorial Director Bellosi is making to meet the needs of the Umbria region, finally no longer considered an internal region, almost extraneous to ADM, but which, instead, is considered for what it really it is: the heart of Italy where with Perugia airport, the agri-food sector industries, gaming, excise duties and monopolies, ADM proves to be a fundamental institutional player". This is what they write in a note Federica Rocchi (CGIL FP), Antonio Ragni (CISL FP) e Virgil Thisba (UILPA).

From the awareness of this important reality comes the determination to ensure that the Umbrian offices resolve, in a short time, the staff shortage that afflicts them and on which the Tuscany and Umbria Territorial Directorate is trying to intervene in an energetic and substantial way. These are important steps to reach a goal which, although still far away, today we can say is a little closer. In this regard, however, it must be said that the Tuscany and Umbria Territorial Directorate should not be left alone. The solution to these problems cannot rest exclusively on the shoulders of this Directorate which, it must be acknowledged, takes care of it with the means at its disposal. We are fighting to ensure that the reorganization is an opportunity for all workers and does not constitute a further burden on staff who are already subjected to severe stress. We will continue to be there and continue this battle to the end, a little less alone, but always and in any case determined to solve these problems. So go ahead. A new beginning looms for our Umbria", conclude the unions.

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