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Masaf, horse racing: published decree regulating criteria and implementation methods for the provision of resources referred to in the budget chapter to racing companies...

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry has published a decree in which it "regulates...

Football betting, Serie A: Bologna's Champions League dream passes through Turin, Motta's "2" at 2,75 on Snai. Roma-Juve, odds in balance

The fourth to last day opens in Turin with the rossoblù slightly ahead of the granata. Inter champions in Reggio Emilia on Saturday («2» at 1,50), Sunday evening the big match at the Olimpico with De Rossi and Allegri both at 2,75

SBC expands its presence in Malta with the inauguration of a new office

Events and media company SBC is expanding its presence in Malta by opening an office...

Lotto and 10eLotto: here are the top 10 late numbers and the winnings of April 30th

Below is the ranking of the top 10 late numbers, the winnings made at Lotto and at...

Football, Hübner on “Tatanka”: “If I were an Inter manager I would be looking for a fast defender”

The former striker made some statements about the Serie A winning team during “Tatanka, without beating around the bush”, the Stanleybet.News Instagram live broadcast