Betting, according to a Betfair survey, 20% of bets are made on the phone while in the bathroom


(Jamma) According to a survey of users of the well-known bookmaker Betfair, the bathroom is one of the customers' favorite places to place bets: the vast majority of Betfair users use their phone in this area of ​​the house and 20% say to place your bets right from there. In addition, 3% have reportedly placed bets on Betfair while having sex. The majority of users, or 35,5%, bet from home or while on the road (27%). But users also bet from other places: 10,5% during a wedding ceremony and 2% during a funeral.
Faced with this astounding data, Sacha Michaud, one of Betfair's marketing managers says "mobile is the future and Betfair's technical team is constantly working to improve our mobile applications and platforms." .

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