CGE Biasci applied to “Biasci”. Also welcomed review on CED Goldbet

(Jamma) – The Criminal Court of Pistoia absolves with a Judgment made on 8 October 2013 one of the addressees of the so-called Biasci Judgment, namely Mr. O. Viviani, who is among the direct addressees of the Judgment rendered in the Court of Justice, together with Biasci and others.

The trial, following the hearing investigation, during which the complainant Dr. Maurizio Ughi was heard as a witness, was scheduled for discussion, subject to the filing of a defense brief by the defendant's defender, lawyer Marco Ripamonti, with Studio in Viterbo and Florence, who was able to fully illustrate the content of the Biasci Sentence with particular reference to the position of Goldbet, to which Viviani was connected, and to the existence of the discriminatory profile, assessed in the light of the established parameters by the EC Court itself.
The Judge acquitted with the formula the fact does not exist.
A similar acquittal formula was used by another magistrate always before the Court of Pistoia in respect of two other defendants in separate trials defined the day before, 7 October 2013, also in Pistoia, also assisted by the lawyer Let's go back.
But the favorable results in Pistoia also see the acceptance of the review arranged by order of 8.10.2013 advanced by another owner of CED Goldbet, again discussed by the lawyer. Ripamonti with reference to profiles concerning the new 2000 concession tender. The cancellation of the preventive seizure was implemented due to the non-existence of the fumus committed delicti.

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