The 5 Star Movement of Tuscany has expressed its vote in favor of the bill which aims to update the institutions' attention towards the phenomenon of gambling addiction. In expressing his position in the Chamber, Irene Galletti, President of the Group Movement 5 Stars in the Regional Council, underlined the "dangers of the system of 'ticket redemption', which pushes young people down the dangerous road of dependence".

“Ludopathy represents a growing social and health problem that requires interventions timely and effective. The 'ticket redemption' system, even when it is based on insignificant rewards and alternatives to money, represents a dangerous mechanism which can push young people down the dangerous path of addiction. Current legislation shows clear gaps in regulating this ever-changing industry and therefore we believe that a updating to protect the health and future of children be more than appropriate“, said Galletti.

"With the yes vote today – concluded the councilor – the 5 Star Movement has confirmed once again his attention to the theme of prevention of gambling addiction, in continuity with the great work carried out in the past legislature by Andrew Quartini, a doctor expert in addictions, now a deputy and member of the Health and Social Affairs Commission".

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