Ruocco (M5S): "Eliminate gaming concessionaires and pass management directly to the State"


(Jamma) “The IMU decree, a 'No comment' decree” – stated Carla Ruocco of the M5S during the examination of the provision in the Chamber. "Just think," she continued, "that the famous 600 million euros are among the most reliable hedges, that is, what remains of the 98 billion euro fine imposed on the famous women big ten, the ten companies that manage the telematic network of public games. 600 million which, moreover, at this point, the companies themselves, having taken a liking to it, refuse to pay. And this is the income, let alone the expenses.
The 5 Star Movement had presented, among many others, an amendment which envisaged that the management of the entire telematic network would pass to the State, allowing the elimination of the concessionaires of type devices video poker e slot machines, who also play the role of collectors of the single tax levy, which they then pay to the monopolies, companies that too often belong to other companies with offices in countries with privileged taxation, coincidentally, and which they managed, for example, for 2012 total funding of 87,1 billion euro.
Here, according to our amendment, already approved as the agenda in the fiscal delegation and of which the press is obviously silent, the State would have directly managed the revenues deriving from this collection, not only by eliminating these monsters, but by allowing itself the direct management of such an amount of money. Unfortunately, look at this, our amendment was declared inadmissible in terms of matter, despite the fact that there is an entire article in the decree in question dedicated to the issue that gives these companies the discount on their huge fine.
Rather than listen to us, hitting big LOBBY of power, holders of slot machines, profiteers of this new social disease which is ludopathy as well as large estates, once again the high road has been chosen to suffocate small and medium-sized enterprises, strangle citizens and reduce eight million Italians to hunger. You starve all the people for not wanting to give up any of your privileges, your loans, your 60 billion a year, the result of your indecent corruption, never opposed”.

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