The Senate Budget Service and the Chamber Budget Service have created the "Verification of quantifications" dossier on the "Draft legislative decree containing provisions regarding the reorganization of the gaming sector, starting from remote gaming".

“The technical report – we read in the dossier -, with reference to article 12, states that the provision and implementation of the principles and rules contained therein do not generate new or greater burdens for public finances. With reference to Article 13, RT states that the provision generates revenue. In particular, registration in the Register is subject to the payment of an annual amount equal to 200 euros for the first year and 150 euros for subsequent years. The revenue deriving from this provision can currently be estimated on the basis of the number of subjects who sign specific commercial agreements with the dealers for carrying out the top-up sales point activity. In fact, based on the current situation, it is estimated that these points of sale could amount to around 30.000 units, for an income estimated at 2024 million euros for 6 and 4,5 million euros starting from 2025 for each of the years successively until 2033.

With regard to the quantification profiles - continues the dossier -, it is highlighted that the rules entrust the Customs and Monopolies Agency with the task of adopting the technical rules for the operation of the telematic network by the concessionaires and of establishing and maintaining the register for the registration of owners of ordinary or special resales of monopoly products authorized to collect public games, as well as individuals who carry out the activity of top-up sales points. Registration in the register is subject to the payment of a sum equal to 200 euros for the first year and 150 euros for subsequent years, from which a greater revenue derives, quantified by the technical report as equal to 6 million euros for 2024 and to 4,5 million euros starting from 2025 for each of the subsequent years up to 2033. In this regard, it is highlighted that the quantification appears verifiable on the basis of the data contained in the technical report and that the methodology used for the revenue estimates is consistent with the one used in previous technical reports concerning similar cases. From this point of view, there are therefore no comments to make. In any case, it is noted that the revenue effects are quantified until 2033, rather than on a permanent basis, presumably as this year corresponds to the end of a nine-year concession awarded in 2024, as provided for in Article 23, paragraph 3, of this decree. Therefore, while noting the prudential nature of the estimate, it would be useful to obtain clarification from the Government regarding the reasons for this multi-year registration in the face of a provision that is instead of a permanent nature".

Below is the full dossier:

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