Novara. From the M5S a motion to increase information on gambling

(Jamma) Luca Zacchero of the M5S brought to the classroom in Novara the issue of gambling addiction, which is spreading like wildfire and affects all social categories. The approved motion asks the mayor and the council to strengthen information to citizens by continuing a process already started and evaluate any other action to contrast the phenomenon. The Municipality of Novara for the initiatives of the Municipality has already banned sponsorships from gambling houses. Councilor Sara Paladini told the courtroom that the Administration «is launching a listening point for gambling addicts, thanks to the contribution of foundations and banks, without disbursement by the Municipality. It is a counter open one afternoon a week in a local neighborhood. There will be no municipal staff involved. The Orthos association which provides doctors and psychologists, Libera and Asl are involved in the project»

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