Lazio. Tarzia (LS): "Interventions against compulsive gambling from the Region"

Lazio. Voltage (IC): "Keep attention high against gambling addiction"


The Casino of Saint-Vincent in the front row against gambling addiction


(Jamma) “Among the many critical issues in our country, the problem of compulsive gambling is one of those issues that must be tackled firmly and promptly. The recent case of the woman in the province of Chieti, who – losing touch with reality – left her children in the car for six hours to go play Bingo, is yet another sign of a worryingly expanding phenomenon”. So the hon. Olimpia Tarzia, leader of the Storace List in the Lazio Regional Council.

“The latest research done by the Department with data updated to 2013, found that 48.2% of student players were on the increase compared to 2012, and among these 6% appear to have a pathological gambling condition, while the 10.9% can be classified as risk gambling players. The pursuit of the loss, i.e. the desire to make up for it, develops an authentic addiction up to the point of precipitating the compulsive gambler into a progressive and increasingly dizzying economic disaster: at this point phenomena appear such as the request for usury loans, the frequent lies in the family aimed at hiding the real economic situation, the lack of attention or lack of interest in the work activity, which lead in more or less long periods of time to serious personal crises.

The Conference of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces – continues Tarzia – in April 2012 approved a document inviting the Government and Parliament to provide the Regions with legislative and financial tools suitable for programming, planning and organizing social-health services and interventions to treat and assist pathological gamblers and their families. To this end, on May 30, I presented a bill to the Lazio Regional Council, signed by the majority and opposition group leaders, aimed at preventing and treating gambling addiction and safeguarding the weakest sections of the population. The wish – concludes Tarzia – is to be able to get the approval of the law in the courtroom as soon as possible”.

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