IDV: Secretary Messina tomorrow in L'Aquila for the start of the collection of signatures against gambling

(Jamma) The new national secretary of Italia dei Valori, Ignazio Messina, will open tomorrow in L'Aquila the campaign to collect signatures to present in Parliament the popular initiative bill against gambling.

“The intent of the IDV – explains a note from the local party club – is to block a social scourge which has become a real pathology which affects an impressive number of citizens and which requires the use of approximately 6 billion euro each year to treatment of gambling addicts.

At 10.30 the secretary Messina will be at the Villa Comunale where the banquet for the collection of signatures is set up, and at 11 at the Grand Albergo he will hold a press conference on national and regional policy issues and on the reconstruction of L'Aquila.

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