In an interview with Messaggero, the deputy minister of Economy Maurice Leo reiterates: “Tax reform represents a priority for the government”. He underlined that we want to rethink "the collection mechanism as a whole, making it simpler, more accessible and helping honest taxpayers who have financial difficulties". On Irpef: "We cannot think of taxing those with 50 thousand euros of gross income with a rate that, including regional and municipal surcharges, reaches 50%"

Among the topics of the interview, tax reform. The prime minister Giorgia Meloni, said Leo, “he did very well to focus on the importance of tax reform. It is an issue that represents a priority for the government. Now, after the six legislative decrees definitively approved and already entered into force, we aim to also bring home those concerning the biennial preventive composition and the discipline of remote gaming".

This latest legislative decree was approved by the Council of Ministers during the meeting that was held last December 19th.

Below is the text of the provision as it arrived at the meeting.

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