Delrio: "Yes to IMU cancellation, no certainty about new gaming revenue"

Vallio Terme (Bs): slots out, books in



(Jamma) «After the suspension of the June installment, I see more scenarios: the elimination of the Imu for the poorest and for the others a reduction in the tax based on income. But the landing point is not there yet: we have been in government for two days, we will carry out an investigation and discuss it with the Chambers". In an interview the Minister for Regional Affairs Graziano Delrio he assures that the government "will not send the Municipalities into a budget crisis" and underlines that "in the program presented there was no mention of restitution, the question is not immediate, it will be decided on the basis of availability".

Avoiding the "liquidity deficit" of the Municipalities is "fundamental", "to cut taxes we will not cut services", says Delrio. About resources «we have not yet started the round tables to decide which options to choose: from gambling revenues, the recovery of evasion, the remodulation of the rates. But the government will take the concerns of trade unions and mayors into consideration." With regard to the sale of public assets, "selling or renting, both solutions can go well", explains the president of Anci, according to which "apart from some excellent ones, the fight against tax evasion in the Municipalities has never taken off », and therefore «there are spaces to improve its efficiency».

The government "will have the duty to spend the recovered money well to promote growth, thus relaunching tax revenue, also through consumption".

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