The deputy Vito de Palma (FI) presented a question to the Finance Commission with reference to the regulation of the fees envisaged for the tourist-recreational state-owned concessions paid by the companies carrying out traveling show and amusement park activities. 
  De Palma reported that starting from 2020 the minimum rates for state-owned occupations have practically increased tenfold, reaching the amount of 3.377 euros. 
  He therefore asked to know «what initiatives the Government intends to take regarding the increase in state fees for traveling entertainment companies», as well as «whether paragraph 4 of article 3 of decree-law no. 400 of 1993, converted, with amendments, by law 4 December 1993, n. 494" which establishes that "the annual fees relating to state-owned maritime concessions, even multi-year ones, must be related to the effective use of the asset covered by the concession if the use is less than a year, provided that there are no structures that remain beyond the duration of the concession itself. 
  In this regard, the State Property Agency - as explained by the Undersecretary of the MEF Albano - communicated that the subject of maritime state property fees goes beyond its own competences, involving, rather, those of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and the Ministry of Tourism to which the question should be properly addressed. 
  In any case, it should be noted that, in relation to the application of the regulations referred to in article 3, paragraph 4, of law 494 of 1993, it should be noted that the current regulatory provisions (navigation code and related implementing regulation, articles 104 and 105 legislative decree n. 112 of 1998, decree-law n. 400 of 1993, Title V of the Constitution) outline a framework of competences which see the territorial bodies (Regions and Municipalities) as hinged on the management of maritime state property with all connected activities, including the quantification of the relative concession fees, leaving the care of the dominical aspects and the compulsory collection of any lost revenue up to the State (MIT, State Property Agency, etc.).

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