As part of the examination of the draft law "Amendments to the penal code, to the code of criminal procedure and other provisions for the integration and harmonization of the regulations relating to crimes against animals, to the code of criminal procedure and other provisions for the 'integration and harmonization of the discipline regarding crimes against animals" (C. 30 Brambilla (We Moderates), C. 468 Dori (Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra), C. 842 Rizzetto (FdI), C. 1109 Bruzzone ( Lega) and C. 1393 Zanella (Green and Left Alliance)) in the Justice Commission of the Chamber, were presented three amendments concerning the gaming sector. We report them below:

In paragraph 1, after letter a) add the following: a-bis) in the second paragraph, after the words: « in relation to the exercise of clandestine betting » the following are inserted: « or in the presence of a person under the age of eighteen or in competition with it".

2.4. Dori, Zanella, Bonelli (Green and Left Alliance)


The following modifications are made to article 544-quater of the penal code: a) the first paragraph is replaced by the following: «Unless the fact constitutes a more serious crime, anyone who organises, promotes, carries out, participates in or finances events or shows which involve torture or torture of animals, lotteries with live animals up for grabs or pornographic exhibitions between animals and human beings is punished with imprisonment from three months to three years and a fine from 4.000 to 30.000 euros. »; b) in the second paragraph, the words: "from a third to a half" are replaced by the following: "by half".

2.2. Di Lauro, D'Orso, Ascari, Cafiero De Raho, Giuliano (M5S)


In paragraph 1, replace letter a) with the following: a) the first paragraph is replaced by the following: «Unless the fact constitutes a more serious crime, anyone who organises, promotes, carries out, participates in or finances events or shows which involve torture or torture of animals, lotteries with live animals up for grabs or pornographic exhibitions between animals and humans is punished with imprisonment from three months to three years and a fine from 4.000 to 30.000 euros. »; Consequently,

  1. after letter a) insert the following: a-bis) in the second paragraph, the words: "from a third to a half" are replaced by the following: "by half";
  2. in letter b) replace the word: participates with the following: assists.

2.3. Di Lauro, D'Orso, Ascari, Cafiero De Raho, Giuliano (M5S)

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