“Article 3, paragraph 7, extends to 2024 the possibility granted to the Customs and Monopolies Agency to establish additional weekly draws for the gambling game Lotto and the Superenalotto. The increased revenue from these additional extractions is intended to finance the National Emergency Fund. First of all, we remind you that article 21, paragraph 4, first sentence, of the legislative decree of 1 June 2023, n. 61, had foreseen for the year 2023 that the Customs and Monopolies Agency, with its own managerial decrees, could establish additional weekly draws of the gambling game Lotto and the game of Superenalotto. In implementation of the provisions of article 21, paragraph 4, first sentence, the following decisions have been adopted: for SuperEnalotto and its companion and optional game SuperStar, determination June 12, 2023, for the Lotto, the determination of 12 June 2023. With the paragraph in question this measure is extended to the whole of 2024. In particular, it is specified that the provisions of article 21, paragraph 4, first sentence, of the legislative decree of 1 June 2023 , n. 61 regarding games, also apply in the year 2024. The rule also specifies that the increased revenue deriving from the application of the provision is allocated to the National Emergency Fund referred to in Article 44 of the Civil Protection Code of pursuant to legislative decree 2 January 2018, n. 1. It should be noted that article 21, paragraph 4, of the legislative decree of 1 June 2023, n. 61, in the second period, allocated the greater revenues deriving from the additional weekly extractions to the National Emergency Fund for the financing of interventions in favor of the populations affected by the flood events, which occurred starting from 1 May 2023".

That's what we read in dossier of the Research Service of the Chamber and Senate relating to the bill for the conversion, with amendments, of the decree of 30 December 2023, n. 215, containing urgent provisions regarding regulatory deadlines, so-called milleproroghe.

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