25 senators from the Democratic Party for a bill against gambling

(Jamma) As many as 25 senators from the PD last July 19 presented a bill containing "Provisions on combating gambling". The text has yet to be assigned to the standing committees. To sign it: Chiti Vannino (in the picture), Zanda Luigi, Amati Silvana, Astorre Bruno, Caleo Massimo, Cantini Laura, Casson Felice, Cirinna' Monica, Cucca Giuseppe Luigi Salvatore, Fattorini Emma, ​​Filippi Marco, Filippin Rosanna, Lai Bachisio Silvio, Lumia Giuseppe, Pizzetti Luciano, Rossi Gianluca, Ruta Roberto, Saggese Angelica, Sangalli Gian Carlo, Scalia Francesco, Silvestro Annalisa, Sollo Pasquale, Sonego Lodovico, Vaccari Stefano, Vattuone Vito

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