The decree on the reorganization of the games, foreseen by the Fiscal Delegation, will be submitted to the Council of Ministers for approval before Christmas.

This is what MEF deputy minister Maurizio Leo said regarding the Government program planned for the next few weeks before the Christmas holidays.

At the same time as the gaming decree, Leo anticipated, seven decrees on tax reform that have already been preliminarily approved will be definitively approved. Another two, namely the one on sanctions and the other on collection measures, will be in the CDM at the beginning of 2024.

The deputy minister also announced the consolidated texts that will be presented during an event scheduled at the Mef for December 18th. These would be nine schemes of consolidated compilation texts concerning, among other things, IRES, IRPEF, VAT, minor TAXES and assessment.

The process of the reorganization decree is currently quite troubled. Presented before the Council of Ministers last November 15th, measure it was 'frozen' in the following weeks. The rethinking phase, according to rumors, would be due to the doubts related to the content of the provision, i.e. the measures envisaged for the online offer only. What the public gaming sector and beyond has long awaited as a reorganization of the entire offer has in fact translated into a series of measures aimed at issuing online tenders, thus missing the objective of an overall reorganization .

Below is the audio of Deputy Minister Leo.

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