As part of the examination of the Budget Law in the Budget Committee of the Chamber, all the amendments presented were rejected, including the two concerning the gaming sector.

In the first, where the restoration of citizenship income was proposed, the following was read: "The economic benefit is provided through the Rdc Card. In addition to meeting needs, the Rdc Card allows you to make cash withdrawals within a monthly limit not exceeding 100 euros for a single individual, multiplied by the equivalence scale, to make a monthly transfer to the lessor indicated in the rental contract lease or the intermediary who granted the loan. By decree of the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, in agreement with the Minister of Economy and Finance, further needs can be identified to be satisfied through the Rdc Card, as well as different amount limits for cash withdrawals. In order to prevent and combat impoverishment phenomena and the onset of gambling disorders (DGA), it is in any case prohibited to use the economic benefit for games that involve cash winnings or other benefits. The information on movements on the Rdc Card, without the identification data of the beneficiaries, can be used by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies for statistical and scientific research purposes. The delivery of the Rdc Card to the offices of the integrated service manager takes place exclusively after the fifth day of each month".

1.2. Barzotti, Aiello, Carmina, Carotenuto, Dell'Olio, Donno, Torto, Tucci (M5S)

Below is the text of the rejected second amendment regarding the gaming sector:

After paragraph 51, add the following:

  51up to. Starting from 1 January 2024, the rate of the single tax on gaming referred to in article 1, paragraph 2, of the Directorial Decree of 10 January 2011, is increased by five percentage points.
  51ter. The increased revenue deriving from paragraph 51-up to appropriately ascertained, are intended to increase the allocation of the Fund for pathological gambling-GAP referred to in article 1, paragraph 946, of law no. 208 of 2015.

1.132. Borrelli, Grimaldi, Zanella, Piccolotti (AVS)

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