“The choice of the municipal administration to authorize a new games room for a maximum period of 10 years (...) is a risky and wrong choice. It surprises us how resolution no. was completely superseded, for no reason known to us. 61 of 28 December of the Union of Romagna Faentina approved unanimously with 26 voters. On that occasion, the area of ​​sensitive places was expanded just beyond the area of ​​the future games room which would be entirely within the sensitive area". So in a note Roberta Conti, secretary and municipal councilor of the Faenza League.

“We are not against amusement arcades, but we think about the future of the city and its safety. We would like a city open to young people and with opportunities for growth and development, with universities, start-ups, companies offering jobs and innovative products, not amusement arcades. We would like a clean and welcoming city (which at the moment is anything but) to bring aggregation built on personal relationships not on tools that can lead to serious and dangerous pathologies", continues the note.

“Let's be clear, the League, as already written, is not against arcades, but it is advisable to choose suitable places for the positioning of such structures, respecting the rules and resolutions. Let us not think that the League is against the entrepreneurial development of the city and the growth of opportunities, an arcade in that area is simply out of place (...). There is no need to explain anything else. We will ask for further clarification in the City Council, but we are certain that the security of the territory will be affected. The council has no foresight, it doesn't respect the rules, it lives day by day, waiting for evening to come", concludes Conti.

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