Horse racing: De Girolamo, aid for 32 million is on the way

(Jamma) 32,18 million euros are on the way to help the world of horseracing, to pay the debts of the former Assi, the sector development agency, thanks to the decree law on the debts of the Pa. He announces it in a notes the Minister of Agricultural Policies Nunzia De Girolamo. "We have obtained over 32 million euros for the payments of the 2012 debts which will be liquidated as soon as possible - says the minister - today we can give the first answers to the operators of the horse racing world hit by a crisis that goes beyond the economic-financial one ”. The 32,12 million add up to the 30 million already disbursed to operators again as payment of the 2012 debts which amount to 97 million euros. They also add up to the 17,5 million euros that the Ministry of the Economy will transfer to Agricultural Policies again for the horse racing sector in relation to the higher revenues relating to the taxation of bets. "These are two urgent interventions which I hope will be able to give breathing space to the thousands of workers in the sector and their families - specifies the minister - we must reach a new phase for horse racing, with revitalization and enhancement interventions that require the everyone's commitment". Overall, the ministry expects to cover over 2013% of the former Assi debt in 82; the 32,18 million - the note continues - will be paid to operators in the coming weeks through a simplified procedure.

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