Gambling is a practice which, as is well known, can lead to the development of an addiction. One of the most problematic consequences of pathological gambling is the risk of debt. This is caused in particular by the loss of awareness of managing one's own budget, with consequent repercussions and problems also for family members and loved ones.

The Azzardo Ticino Group – Prevention interviewed Sara Duric, coordinator of the DSS program for the prevention of excessive debt, to understand what are the dynamics that can lead players to accumulate excessive debt, as well as understand how to undertake a path of help and resolution of economic problems, thanks to the solutions present in the our canton.

What are the main causes of debt?

«At the cantonal level, the institutions active in counseling assist people who find themselves in a situation of excessive debt for various reasons and not always because of an addiction. Among the most common triggering factors we can for example mention divorce or separation, loss of one's job, but also the birth of a child.

As far as gamblers are concerned, there is clearly a double problem, usually involving a more complex situation. In these cases, the intervention should concern both the economic and the pathological fronts, which influence each other. To date, however, unfortunately it happens that institutions specialized in one and the other field undertake a path, without necessarily knowing what is being done on the other side. Part of the image is missing and for this reason I am convinced that more collaboration and communication between the specialists and the services operating on the two fronts is needed.

Although in practice there are several cases of concurrence of the twofold problem, unfortunately, reliable data are not available to date, so it is difficult to make precise connections between those in a situation of excessive debt and those suffering from addiction. The need therefore arose to quantify the phenomenon, in order to evaluate whether and which measures it is necessary to undertake. There is good news in this regard, as a study was recently launched nationwide with the aim of understanding the prevalence of the twin problem.'

What are the typical signs of a person who may be in financial difficulty due to gambling?

«There are common signs between debt caused by gambling and that deriving from other causes, as these are situations united by stress and personal suffering. Those who find themselves in situations of over-indebtedness, for example, often have difficulty managing deadlines, appointments, correspondence, which is also reflected in budget management. For this reason, reminders of unpaid invoices or enforcement proceedings are among the most common warning signs. Our partner organizations sometimes even have to deal with people who show up for their appointment with bags full of unopened letters and notices, a clear symptom of losing control over their situation. Regularly asking friends and family for loans, perhaps characterized by increasing amounts over time, is instead a typical alarm signal of pathological gambling.

Other symptoms in general then concern the psychological and emotional sphere: for example, it can happen that the person reacts aggressively when faced with these difficulties".

What roles can family and friends play in supporting an indebted gambler?

«Situations of excessive debt, as well as those of pathological gambling, can have devastating effects not only on the person directly affected, but also on those around them. For this reason, the role of friends and family is one of the most important and indeed, it is often decisive in solving problems or at least in preventing them from getting worse. It is no coincidence that it often happens that it is precisely the people close to you who make the first contact with the consultancy services. Fundamental is that family and friends do everything to promote a dialogue; not talking about the problem can only make it worse. In the case of an addiction, the role of loved ones is perhaps even more important. Recognizing that you are dealing with an illness is the first step in being able to stay close to the person in their therapeutic and debt relief journey".

What are the main challenges in providing assistance to indebted gamblers in the Canton of Ticino and how can they be overcome?

«As explained previously, very different organizations operate in our small territory. It is therefore important to do everything to promote effective coordination between services and ensure a multidisciplinary approach to the problem, since those who are experts in the financial management part cannot be experts in the treatment of addiction, and vice versa. The challenge therefore consists in recognizing how far the skills of one's own service go and where instead those of the other become more suitable, passing from a theoretical collaboration to one actually practiced in daily life.

The prerequisite is mutual knowledge and trust and this is the path recently undertaken in our Canton. In fact, the first exchange meeting between the two "worlds" took place in May: that of dependencies on the one hand and that of debt on the other. It is a first opportunity, but we are motivated to continue with a regular exchange in the future as we know well how important such opportunities for dialogue are in a small area like ours».

What services and resources are available in Canton Ticino to help players and their families manage debt?

«In Ticino there are mainly two non-profit organizations that offer advice in situations of excessive debt, each of which is characterized by a different approach. The SOS debt association, for example, offers free budget advice, open to all, while it intervenes with paid services in cases of excessive debt that require assistance in repayment plans, restructuring, or assistance in negotiations with creditors . Caritas Ticino, on the other hand, deals with debt situations through its free social service and also offers the indebted person support from volunteers (tutors). The two services, to which is added the Association of consumers of Italian Switzerland (ACSI), collaborate closely under the joint umbrella of the REBUS network (».

Added to these obviously is the Gruppo Azzardo Ticino – Prevention (GAT-P), the reference organization for assistance to gambling problems in Ticino. Directly supported by the Canton, it has been offering free and completely anonymous advice to players and their families since 1991. The association makes use of expert psychologists and psychotherapists on the subject of pathological gambling and on the new trends present today. For more information or to request anonymous and free advice, you can contact the GAT-P experts ( – Toll-free number: 0800 040 080.

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