Genoa. Green light to the anti-slot regulation

Tar Piedmont. 'The question of constitutional legitimacy regarding the regulation of public gaming is not manifestly unfounded'


For the PDL, the financial coverage to eliminate the IMU comes from gambling


(Jamma) With 24 votes in favor out of 34, the City Council of Genoa yesterday approved the regulation on slot machines. A system that derives directly from the regional law in force and which further restricts the possibility of installing gaming machines with cash prizes in public places, in bars, tobacconists and gaming halls, with the risk of blocking or non-renewal of licenses. The bartenders are enraged by the possible economic consequences of the regulation.
"We remove the machines, but Tursi lowers my taxes, otherwise with the crisis we risk the knockout", was their proposal. Rejected by the Councilor for Economic Development, Francesco Oddone. "We cannot reward those who take away the machines, we would penalize those who have never had them," he explained yesterday in the courtroom. "The commissioner doesn't understand that whoever didn't put in the slots didn't do it out of moral scruples but because he didn't consider it necessary or suitable for his customers," Groppi rages.
Opposition councilors express perplexity; Lega Nord and UDC abstain, considering the regulation confused, contradictory, counterproductive. Abstention also for Enrico Musso and his group, which foreshadows conflicts and appeals. The PDL also abstains, inviting the Municipality to leave it to national policy. The Council proceeds slowly, in a tangle of agendas and amendments in which even the president, the veteran Giorgio Guerello, risks getting lost.
The resolution passes after almost five hours: 24 votes in favor (Pd, Sel, FdS, Cinque stelle, Lista Doria) out of 34 present, with further crackdowns on opening hours and distance from "buy gold" and loan agencies. The rules are effective immediately.

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