Friday, May 10, 2024


Jamma Ltd proposes on these pages business to business (B2B) commercial communications, of an informative, descriptive type or aimed at identifying the concessionaires authorized to offer gaming by the Customs and Monopolies Agency, as well as providing information on gaming products and services offered which, in addition to representing a legitimate expression of the principle of freedom of enterprise, are subject to specific obligations imposed by law and administrative concession provisions. In fact, communications, even of a promotional nature, contained in the specialized B2B press are excluded from the prohibition of advertising for games, given their unsuitability, due to the contents - of a technical nature - and their recipients - professionals - to influence the choice of consumer game.


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Trentino-Alto Adige Customs and Monopolies Agency: 2023 million euros collected from games and tobacco in 266

The Customs and Monopolies Agency, operating in the Customs, Excise and Monopolies sectors, pursues four main objectives...

SuperEnalotto, the Jackpot reaches 100 million and enters the ranking of the 10 highest winnings in the history of the game

The SuperEnalotto, managed by Sisal, made many Italians happy: Campania holds the record with 19 wins. Trentino-Alto Adige, Valle d'Aosta and Molise are the only Italian regions in which a Jackpot has never been won

Sisal Wincity Roma Vespasiano, Thursday sports lounge to relive the highlights of the Europa League together and watch the Leverkusen-Roma match live

“FOOD & FUN – the show is served” review: it starts at 20.00 pm with special guest Lazio midfielder Cristian Brocchi 

Lotto and 10eLotto: here are the top 10 late numbers and the winnings of May 4nd

Below is the ranking of the top 10 late numbers, the winnings made at Lotto and at...

Gratta e Vinci gives 100 thousand euros to Merate (LC)

Won 100 thousand euros at the scratch card in Merate, in the province of Lecco. The lucky coupon, of...