Council Roberto Alesse (ADM Director): “The Agency is grateful to all of them because they are a model to follow”

The event dedicated to celebrating was held in the Conference Hall of the Piazza Mastai headquarters “The excellence of the Customs and Monopolies Agency”. The ceremony presided over by the Director of the Agency, Cons. Robert Alesse, has seen awards 50 officials, identified for their extraordinary commitment and contribution to the institution. Certificates delivered commendation and praise, awards intended for those who have distinguished themselves for their strong professional ability and significant contribution the results achieved within the Agency's activities.

“The establishment of this recognition – said Councilor Alesse, director of the ADM – It is a dutiful tribute to the professionalism of the Agency's employees but it is also a tribute to this great public administration, which represents the beating heart of the State. Whoever espouses the cause of this administration - added Alesse - must know that it is as if he were wearing a priest's cassock: outside of the 'mass' you do not sing and you do not come into contact with holders of interests opposed to those of the State . Today 50 of our employees were rewarded for their dedication, sense of responsibility and spirit of service demonstrated - concluded Alesse - the Agency is grateful to all of them because they are a model to follow".

The Customs and Monopolies Agency, through this initiative, intends to recognize and celebrate the constant commitment of its collaborators, promoting a culture of excellence and encouraging further successes in the pursuit of its institutional missions.

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