“We are talking about 3 interviews nationwide, on a population ranging from 18 to 70 years old. There is a very interesting fact, the Italians are a people who have an ambivalent relationship with desire, in fact they have a medium-high level of desire, but almost half feel they don't have the strength to achieve their desires. In Italy there is a strong pragmatism with regard to risk appetite. It must also be said that Italians have a particularly low level of interest in innovation. Only 35% of those interviewed have a marked propensity for innovation. Only a small part is open and experiencing new things. There are very few non-players in Italy, then there is a substantial part who play without spending money and finally a 19% who usually play by spending money. Among those interviewed, 10% define themselves as ex-players. In general, comparing gamblers and gamers, it must be said that the average monthly expenditure of the latter is almost 38 euros, while for the others it is around 40 euros, so there isn't a big difference. This research is important to us because it allows us to place gambling activities with cash prizes within the broader context of gambling activities. Anyone who plays cash games is a player. There are obviously elements of risk, but it is clear that statistically speaking the profile we are going to examine is the profile of a player".

SWG Research Director said, Richard Grassi (in the photo), speaking at the event “Giocare da grandi. The findings of the Public Gaming Observatory 2020-2023”, organized today in Rome by Formiche, in collaboration with SWG and IGT, to present the fourth SWG research report.

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