The proceedings initiated by AGCOM against a betting shop for alleged violation of the ban on gambling advertising are closed with the dismissal.

During ordinary control activities in the area, on 31 May 2023 the GdF soldiers of the Vallo della Lucania Company found that advertising for games and betting was carried out on the premises of a betting shop in Vallo della Lucania (SA). cash winnings, through two "BEST PREMIUM" advertising signs posted on the external walls of the betting center
subjected to verification, both adjacent to the two entrances of the venue. In the report, the GdF soldiers accounted for the presence of a form of direct advertising in which there was a clear invitation to play.

According to AGCOM, after an investigation phase lasting almost a year from the inspection, "the two advertising signs under dispute are displayed on the external walls of the betting center but in a position adjacent to the two entrances of the premises - and therefore not in the relevant area to the venue, but in the immediate vicinity of the entrance - and have small dimensions and apparently suitable to reach exclusively the patrons close to the entrance of the venue and, also due to the location of the business, as such not immediately perceivable from the nearest public road . Furthermore, as regards the contents of the signs, in the case in question the informative value appears to prevail, as they are indications with reference to the methods of accessing the game. Therefore, having regard to the methods, including graphic and dimensional, of the communication carried out, to
placement, as well as its content, it is believed that the informative purpose of the communication prevails".

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