Wednesday, May 8, 2024
HomeActualityVirtual betting, player spending grows by 20,8% per year in February

Jamma reports
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The total collection is lower than that recorded in January

In February 2024 the total virtual bets, play in agency and online, recorded a game volume of 368.579.708,95 €, an amount 6,6% lower than that collected in the previous month (394.271.718,45 EUR). Compared to the same month last year, collections increased by 17,6 percentage points.

Player spending amounted to 50.535.215,77 €, decreasing (-9,5%) compared to the 55.831.472,43 in January but increasing (+20,8%) compared to the same month of February 2023.

Below is the histogram with the data from the collection of total virtual bets, played in the agency and online, referring to February 2024, divided by dealer and sorted by amount collected.

Below is the histogram with the data from the collection of total virtual bets, played in the agency and online, referring to January 2024, divided by dealer and sorted by amount collected.

Below is the histogram with the data from the collection of total virtual bets, played in the agency and online, referring to February 2023, divided by dealer and sorted by amount collected.