Taraddei (Dg. Astro): "From the invented epidemic to the real one"


(Jamma) GAP is a serious and endemic problem for all industrialized countries where there are organized settlements of gaming activities, – writes the lawyer. Silvia Taraddei of the Astro association – but the phenomenon is nowhere in the world is assumed to have "epidemiological relevance"; everywhere, in fact, it is characterized by statistical incidences of overt disease too low to induce health facilities to activate the protocols prepared for the contrast of pathologies with a high "incidence rate".

Italy (or a part of it) "boasts" the gambling epidemic (not distinguishing between lawful and unlawful) despite the so-called "prevalence rate" (the one that indicates the total rate of cases) is appreciated on the order of 5 per 100.000 of the population (about that of ALS).

Another phenomenon, however, which should never be endemic, runs the risk of becoming endemic in a short time: it is the economic crisis in the so-called Euro-zone, characterized by political recipes much criticized by the Nobel prize for economics, Paul Krugman, and which in Italy (much more than elsewhere) manage to reap a very high mortality rate from businesses, with complications of horizontal and vertical "contagion" (between sectors and between supply chains), which should (these yes), activate extraordinary "care protocols".

The European economy, the Nobel laureate reminds us, is settling down on the rules governing "depression", instead of reacting to it, risking obtaining the opposite effect to that desired, i.e. spreading the contagion of malaise rather than containing and fencing it off in the context of increasingly cost-saving budgets. Even without being a Nobel laureate in economics, it can be agreed that it is difficult to produce wealth "out of thin air", ie without first spending something.

In Italy, talking about these issues is synonymous with reducing the share and political satisfaction, and is absolutely banned from "conservative and innovative" political contexts, perched on the creed of spending cuts, "of others". This is unfortunately also attested by the recent debates conducted by the rising (and/or regenerated) stars of politics, during which Italians can memorize the most hateful expenditure items of the public budget, obviously all promises of the same moralizing scissors that we await in vain for decades.

What to talk about, then, if no candidate for the "rooms of command" is granted the luxury (or permission) to deal with the subject of the trend reversal of an unstoppable path of economic collapse, which is also coupled with the decline of the social fabric? Obvious: "of that horror of the state game" which raises cash by exploiting the lack of intellect of the weaker sections (therefore all), now conceived as "zombies" wandering around all day looking for a slot that "pays".

If one cannot speak of "true panic", i.e. of a country that risks finding itself in a new and terrible Middle Ages in a few years (there are already preludes of religious obscurantism, like certain positions of "Taliban secularism") with "zero economy" (but above all with "zero" democracy), "moral panic on public gaming" is adopted, which is also functional to revive the professional fortunes of many intellectuals.

As definitive proof of the assumption that has been made, some very "serious" phenomena have been monitored, as well as the treatment reserved for them by the media circuit: we mention two of them, the so-called baby rings and the disaster in Sardinia. On them the cynical rules of "exhaustion of the news" and "exhaustion of the listener" have been applied "to the letter", notoriously sanctioned by communication professionals to ensure, on the one hand, a "clear conscience" for having "very dealt with” a specific topic, but on the other hand the certainty that after the initial “noise” no one will feel the need to receive news any more. For seven long days, morning and evening, it was talked about everywhere and then the "curtain" of the popular "narcotic" fell, as if everything in Sardinia had already been "fixed" and the young generation suddenly "revived and returned to the purity of 'adolescence.

To increase the dose on the "guilty vicar" of everything, the game (but only the lawful one), there is the reaffirmed sociological thesis according to which "if one did not spend on gambling" one would spend on other goods and services that generate a "healthy" economy ” (from ham to coffee, from the car to the cinema). The "sociological" assumption (it is important to underline its extraneousness to the assemblies of economic science) adopted by the anti-gambling ideological ethicists is, yes, mathematical, but one would expect it to be reported by the well-known "Frassica" and not by qualified academics.

It's obvious that if you don't spend on one side you'll spend on the other, but that doesn't mean anything. What kind of economy would we have without the 200 salaries of the legal gaming circuit (which as "payrolls" honor all the taxes of this ungrateful country), without the 50.000 generalist gaming outlets which include revenues from legal machines as an essential revenue item for the payment of the rent and the suppliers of the premises, without the 9 billion euros of tax levies on gaming alone, in addition to those guaranteed by the tax levy on the over 6.000 operators' companies?

Playing with mathematics seems easy to the point of enticing even those who observe what is not a mathematician (that is, behavior), but then one collides with its rules.

It cannot be envisaged that without gaming spending there would be more "economy", without considering how much "economy" is removed if those who set up, manage and distribute the game are eliminated.

It is therefore obvious that a "race" vision is being adopted between the euro inserted in the slot and the euro invested in a mozzarella, aimed at "dividing" and fueling "dissent and hatred".

Added to this is that the "basic assumptions" of this "sociology of mathematics" are mostly denied by the same categories called into question: the traders' representatives support everything except that their crisis is connected to the legal gaming system; Cinema keepers claim everything, except that their crisis is linked to the legal gambling system, car salesmen claim everything, except that their crisis is linked to the legal gambling system.

No one has ever looked for "alibis" other than the typically Italian and European macro-economic causes for the collapse of certain businesses; yet today the "sociology of anti-gaming" offers them one in an attempt to "get them on" the bandwagon of movementism antagonistic to the legal gaming industry. "Here's who ruins you" is the motto that emerges from the part of the academy that elevates the randomness to the role of guilty vicar of everything.

As already explained in the previous note, "the circus" sooner or later closes its tents, and those who have ridden the moral panic over legitimate gaming will have to ask why they have not dedicated as much dedication to studying and opposing the phenomena that generate the "true" volume of usury, to the phenomena that "really" generate unemployment, to the phenomena that "really" give many Italians a day in which they often don't know how to pass the time.

In short, sooner or later they will be asked why (as free and just) they have never dealt with the "real" culprits of our crisis of economy and values, instead of dedicating all their "endorsement" to the crumbling of the "only" legal circuit of game.


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