“The third and final appointment for 2023 with the information and commercial tour dedicated to tobacconists will take place on Saturday 21st from 14pm to 00pm and Sunday 20nd October from 00am to 22pm, at the Padua Exhibition Center visitor entrance Via Rismondo gates L and M. The opportunity will be useful for everyone to find answers, make new acquaintances, discuss with colleagues and market operators, be informed on the main issues concerning the category and evaluate the commercial opportunities offered by the market ”. This is what she writes Italian Federation of Tobacconists in a note.

“It will be an opportunity to attend the award ceremonies for the «T d'Onore» and the Ecomap scholarships, in a dedicated space. All owners or assistants who take part in the T2000 on Tour will be given a "Discover and Win at the T2000 on Tour" ticket at the entrance to the Fair, which will allow them to win (by scratching the coupon at the moment) one of the 5 iPhone 14 up for grabs in the two days of the stage with the combined competition. Only participants arriving by bus – continues the note – will be given a meal voucher worth 10 euros offered by Ecomap, to be spent at the bar or restaurant at the fair. Only to the resale owners who decide to participate in the event with their own means, upon leaving the Fair, they will be given a petrol voucher worth 10 euros, if from the province of Padua and 20 euros, if coming from the other provinces of Padua. 'Italy.

As always, the Show will offer all tobacconists the opportunity to visit the exhibition areas and thus have direct contact with their suppliers, but above all to take part in the FIT trade union meeting which will be held on Sunday at 14.30 pm, during which the most current and burning issues concerning the category will be touched upon. The meeting – adds the note – will be chaired by the leaders of the FIT and will certainly, as in previous editions, register a high number of participants. Furthermore, the T2000 on Tour will also be the perfect scenario to discuss with colleagues, both old and new generations, about everyday working life and, why not, remember the past together and plan for the future.

So don't miss the opportunity to take part in this appointment with the T2000 on Tour: you can ensure fast entry or book your seat on the coach by going to or calling your local FIT office. As always, special thanks go to the Presidents and Provincial Councilors, the Territorial Delegates and the employees of the Provincial Headquarters, who validly support us in organizing the buses and in involving the tobacconists. See you then at the important event in Padua. Don't miss it!”, concludes the FIT.

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