Last February 4th, the first cycle of meetings of 2024 dedicated to the Provincial Delegates of STS Fit, the sports receivers' union, was inaugurated, an initiative strongly supported by the National Steering Committee in office since November 2022.

“These sessions officially inaugurate the activities of the new STS Provincial Delegates, welcoming them with open arms in their important mission,” we read in a note.

“These Delegates, despite being recently appointed, bring with them a wealth of different experiences. The rotation of these positions within the STS very often occurs following the natural end of the mandate of the FIT Provincial Councils, followed by the renewal process. This means that, even if a Provincial Delegate is confirmed, he finds himself starting a new path, full of challenges and responsibilities.

The focus of these meetings is to greet newcomers, whether they are veterans or newbies, to reflect on the current state of the sector in our country, to identify and discuss current issues, to provide useful advice and ensure the right direction to follow. These moments of sharing prove fundamental to ensure perfect harmony and open and constructive dialogue between the Provincial Delegates and the national structures.

During the event, the National President, together with the Steering Committee, expressed his best wishes for good work to all the participants, underlining the importance of their active participation and their commitment in facing the numerous and significant challenges that await the union in the near future."

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