Slots, it's war between Sisal and betting offices over new contracts


(Jamma) War has now been declared between the receivers united in the acronym of the Sports Totoricevitori Union (STS), the Italian Federation of Tobacconists and the Sisal concessionaire. The two associations signed a press release denouncing the contract that Sisal is proposing for the supply of gaming machines. “Never had such a method of concluding a contract been seen. Especially if you think that this contract comes from a public concession. In recent days, Sisal sent the new contract for awp by registered letter accompanied by a note informing the receiver that the contract in question was understood to be finalized upon making the first bet following receipt of the same”. “Nonsense because for an aware subscription you should have the time to read the contract and maybe talk to your lawyer. But given the indefiniteness of the moment of completion, to avoid signing the contract in the dark it is necessary to disconnect either the machines or the customers from them.

In the first case, if the necessary communications are not made, the preu is paid anyway, in the second, paradoxically, one is in default and therefore subject to sanctions.

How a state concessionaire can behave like this is a mystery to us. It is a pity that it is not the same for the State Monopolies who are content to protect themselves with the minimum contents of the contract in line with the concession, unloading their collection network in absolute indifference.

We are investigating every aspect of this matter that we will raise in every useful and non-useful forum, public and private, extrajudicial and judicial.

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