Naples. RSU against Monopoly claims payment of 165

(Jamma) Rights are rights. No favors! This was specified by the Unitary Union Representation of the ADM of Naples which rails against the non-payment of the 165 to the employees of the Monopolies.

"The August heat - reads the note - affects the Monopoli managers ... Result while the colleagues of the Customs will receive the emoluments of paragraph 165 at the end of September, the Monopoli employees to date have no certainty as to when they will be able to receive what is due to them by right.

The RSU of Naples in claiming the right to know the reasons and responsibilities of the "DELAY" asks:

– immediate guarantees that the payment of the 165 is paid to the former Monopoli staff by and no later than the month of October, whoever has made a mistake will find the system to overcome the further bureaucratic hitches which, incredible but true, could further delay the payment, we ask in practice that the amount due is paid immediately after the certification of the fund by the competent bodies.

– denounces once again that the incomprehensible decision to merge the Monopolies with the Customs Agency, far from producing cost savings, production synergies, relaunching the fight against illegality ... has produced exclusively:

– the stipulation of an agreement of the newly formed Customs and Monopolies Agency which for the Monopoli part determines with certainty only the "incentivised objectives"; "lunar" objectives to be achieved as early as 2013 without having started any process, at local and national level, of personnel training, reorganization of offices, incentives, etc.




The moving of some AAMS offices to structures abandoned by the Customs because they were dilapidated (at the moment it has been the turn of Massa and Livorno and soon it could be the turn of others), without prejudice to the intolerable discrimination for which the administration allowance received by monopolist workers remains clearly lower than that of their customs colleagues, the workers themselves are also denied the few resources which in the current serious economic situation represented a small margin for their families: personnel benefits, Unisalute policy, after-work activities.

The RSU asks the OO.SS. the immediate summoning of a National Assembly of former AAMS workers with the proclamation of the state of unrest, the simultaneous request for an URGENT meeting with the top management of the Customs and Monopolies Agency with the presentation of a platform that includes all the sacrosanct claims of the Workers ex Monopoli starting from what is more reasonably achievable (Payment 165, provisions - Unisalute policy - travel allowance) up to the equalization of the administration allowance, passing through economic progressions, personnel transfers, the emptying of the first area, training, etc.".




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