'Let's get involved': once again the gaming sector has imposed itself on politics


(Jamma) “We intend to express deep indignation and deep concern regarding this unholy choice, which will unfortunately be implemented by the Executive, regarding the announced issue of amnesty of penalties for Concessionaires. Once again the powerful Lobbies have unfortunately conditioned the Government's political action in the field of gambling”.
So Don Armando Zappolini, spokesman of the national campaign "Let's get involved" - promoted by ACLI, ADUSBEF, ALEA, ANCI, ANTEAS, ARCI, AUSER, Public Notice, CGIL, CISL, CNCA, CONAGGA, Federconsumatori, FeDerSerD, FICT, FITEL, PIME Foundation, Abele Group, InterCear, Libera, Homeless Thoughts Shaker, UISP – in the aftermath of the choice of the Council of Ministers regarding the amnesty on the maxi penalties levied on gambling concessionaires. "It is a question, continues Don Zappolini, of one of the saddest pages that in recent years has affected the relationship between the gaming chain and politics".
In this regard, it must be remembered that an investigation by the Accounting Judiciary quantified the Slots that had not transmitted the data remotely to the State Monopolies as 136 thousand (out of 207 thousand then present in Italy, today there are more than 400 thousand! ). for a considerable period of time; data which, if transmitted correctly, would have allowed a clear taxation on the sums collected from the practice of the Game. As stipulated in the contract, the companies risked a total fine which was initially estimated at 98 billion euros.
The Court of Auditors, however, did not limit itself to judging only the operators, but also asked for compensation from the State Monopolies, identifying in the figures of some managers, the direct culprits of the damage, since they were guilty of not having applied the revocation of the concessions to the operators themselves.
Unfortunately, over time and in the debates that followed, as in the best Italian tradition, the expected fines were drastically reduced up to a request of 800 million euros.
"Today, in a dramatic phase like the current one for the economy and families - underlines Don Armando - we acknowledge that the Government prefers to facilitate the interests of the gaming sector, reducing the penalties to 600 million euros, rather than implementing rigorous and respect for the rules with regard to a phenomenon, that of gaming, which in addition to fattening the coffers of organized crime, is increasingly endangering the stability of the social fabric of the territories". All of this is unacceptable.

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