'The exhaustion of the manager': 'for now' no increase in the preu

(Jamma) As of this morning, the complete text of the Stability law approved by the first branch of Parliament is fully available on the Senate website. The bill bearing number 1121, therefore, no longer contains "indiscretions", but above all it no longer contains the increase in the PREU for the AWPs which was included in the Government maxi-amendment.

Far from being the reason for a "definitive narrow escape" - said Massimiliano Pucci, president of Astro - the cited circumstance actually reveals the existence of a precise "political" criticality towards our category.

More than the "disappearance" of the increase in the PREU, in fact, the "government proposal" to increase it must arouse alarm, by an Executive that does not challenge the regional anti-gambling laws, that does not pose the problem of where to install the new next-generation devices (designed for system and user safety), and which periodically makes a mockery of the entrepreneurial dignity of companies that guarantee thousands of payrolls (announcing increases in levies or higher charges and investments).

It is the "intention" expressed by the government amendment, more than its non-realization, that has to force the sector to reflect, pause and acknowledge the the need to no longer have to bear the current condition of denial of entrepreneurial dignity.

If "this curve" has passed unscathed, the next outcome could be different and it is now necessary to acknowledge that the Government "doesn't want slots", and that only the momentary desperate need for tax resources is delaying the definitive cancellation of the our industrial circuit.

Before they decide to "send us home" with a definitive provision, we must have the dignity to stop and demand an eloquent and clear answer.

The Government has shown that it has no interest in guaranteeing the employment of our employees, in guaranteeing business planning for a sector that "works" exclusively for it.

We're just waiting for the right opportunity to pull the plug. Before that day, the manager must be able to say that he fought for his employees, for his company, for his honor.


AS.TRO therefore renews the invitation to all managers to undertake a process of serious "reflection", essential to understand whether it is right and honorable to continue to be treated as "polluting agents", whether it is actually convenient to continue with the delivery of proceeds from the lawful game to that Government that wants to cancel us, or if it is no longer appropriate to start "stopping".


We do not claim discounts, subsidies, public investments, support interventions: we only ask to know if the state reserve regarding lawful gaming, on which thousands of companies have built, is still valid, and if it will be protected in the appropriate places.


We do not claim special treatments but only the possibility of respecting the rules of virtuous, healthy and responsible entrepreneurship. We ask for the possibility of planning the company and being able to tell our employees if they can count on the thirteenth salary rather than on the layoffs. We are not asking for special recognition for being the sector with the highest rate of internal regularity, but only the protection of this characteristic in the face of a moral panic media campaign that places us on the pedestal of the guilty vicar of every problem in the country. We do not expect higher revenues, but only the possibility of working in a context where lawful public gaming is not threatened by the alternative offer of unauthorized services that make a mockery of the costs and taxes that we incur in order to be authorized partners of the State in the management of “his” product. We do not ask to ignore the problems of those who have found a pathological experience in the game, but only to balance general interests with modern and secular choices worthy of a "cultured" and non-obscurantist country. We are not asking for a "gaming" republic, but at least for a different context from Hungary, where the concept of an industrial circuit lawfully established by law is not a principle to be whispered about but the normal foundation of any confrontation.


We are not asking to "command", but only to be able to sit on the same "white" chairs reserved for the economy that keeps the country on its feet by hiring young people and guaranteeing them a hope of self-determination and social freedom, without hearing us answer every day that "our place it's at the bottom of the convoy."


We don't ask for special laws for us, but at least that hateful ones aren't created just to "turn us off" after having "accessed" them and benefited from 10 years of our investments.


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