Lega Ippica Italiana: 'Payments and reforms, now we need certainties'

(Jamma) The answer to the parliamentary question by the honorable Edoardo Fanucci provided by the undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, the honorable Giuseppe Castiglione suggests that the resources are there, but there is still a process, which is currently in the making, which must be completed. The resources, they explain in a note from the Italian Horse Racing Committee, therefore, would be there, just as there would be, on the part of the Government, the precise will to meet a sector that is going through the worst moment of its long and, let us say, glorious story. Six days have passed since the Mipaaf, through the undersecretary, expressed its opinion, and there are five left before the June 10 deadline, the date that the sector gave itself before ceasing all activities due to lack of resources, after drawing on all those possible and unimaginable.

In what remains of these ten days, horseracing demands the balance of the January dues, the start of payments for those of February and the signing of the Decree that will once again have payments managed by the Racing Companies. But that's not all: in fact, a commitment is requested (a precise date, to be clear) for the settlement of the months of September and October 2012 and the restoration, for payments from March 2013 onwards, of the old procedure.

These are all bureaucratic issues that mean “live or die” for the sector and which, in practice, could be resolved in the blink of an eye, provided there is the will to do so. We wait with confidence and great concern.

Meanwhile, we learn with satisfaction that the Government, in a transversal manner, is putting its hand on the Fiscal Delegation which contains the amendment establishing the Italian Horseracing Union. The times that the executive has given itself for the approval of the Delegation are very tight and, therefore, the time for that long-awaited reform to restore dignity to a sector that has been a slave to politics for too long should finally be near.

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