Cardia (president Acadi): “Irreplaceable generalist network, it is a safeguard of legality and fundamental for revenue and employment".

"The public gaming sector is one of the cornerstones of the Italian economy: over 11 billion in tax revenue, 65 thousand companies, 150.000 employees. But the contribution of our sector can not only be evaluated in fiscal, social security, employment and GDP terms but also as a safeguard on the territories in terms of the protection of health, savings and public order. The companies and people who operate in the territories are the true guarantor of legality to protect the entire sector, the millions of players and the Italian State".

He states it Geronimo Cardia, president of ACADI (Association of Public Gaming Concessionaires), announcing the Acadi 2023 Forum which will be held on Wednesday 20 September at 10.00 at the Confcommercio headquarters in Rome (Piazza Belli, 2). During the Forum, which will be attended by the main representatives of the world of public gaming and numerous representatives of government, institutions and politics, the Sustainability Report of the Public Gaming Sector will be presented.

“The data from the Sustainability Report that we will present – continues the president of Acadi – they clearly state that the territorial distribution network of generalist businesses is the protagonist among other networks in allowing the pursuit of the constitutional interests underlying the existence of the public gaming offer. Thinking of reducing, compressing, limiting or in some way penalizing its presence today rooted in the territories means compromising not only tax revenue and employment, but also the constitutional interests of protecting the user's health and public faith, the protection of public order such as the prevention of laundering of the proceeds of criminal activities".

“We are therefore convinced – concludes Cardia – that the reorganization of the sector is necessary and that this cannot ignore a fair distribution between specialized and generalist points, without directly or indirectly penalizing those who ultimately allow the pursuit of all the public interest objectives of the entire sector, or operators in the area".

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