“This morning the letters requesting a meeting were sent to all the Presidents of the Italian regions, to the President of the State-Regions Conference, to the Ministry of Economy and Finance and to the Customs and Monopolies Agency: with many we have already agreed on a date, with others in the next few hours, to present the proposals promoted by the Women in Play Committee to safeguard the health of our customers and defend the market from the constant aggression of the illegal market. We are convinced that the solutions we have studied and are promoting throughout Italy can be a concrete response to many aspects of a sector which, despite being regulated by the State, requires the protagonism of those who live every day in contact with local communities, with citizens and institutions"

This is what Antonia Campanella declares (in the picture), spokesperson for the Women in Play Committee, an association made up of over 1200 workers and entrepreneurs nationwide who are presenting 'actions' to the institutions to combat gambling disorder.

“The establishment of the Single Register of Excluded People, for example, is an active tool in all European countries but in Italy it is present only in online gaming, where the percentage of self-excluded people has grown by 32% in three years. We also want Italy to adopt a new prevention and control system and that it be extended to physical gaming too, not just online gaming: we have a duty to build, together with the institutions and activities that are part of a regulated sector from the State, a new model that systematizes public personal support services, physical gaming points, end users through the use of technologies that can already be activated. The contrast policies used up to now – continues Campanella – instead of supporting and preventing, have been too ineffective for the user and punitive for the gaming rooms: the health card for example, which we remind you is not valid for foreign citizens, is easily available for those who do not have it. The proposal we are presenting these days provides for a structural reform of entrances to cinemas through the positioning of access gates with Face ID for users and a multimedia platform that interacts with institutions, public services and end users. This provision and its use would exclude a priori and without any margin of error the entry of minors under the age of 18 into the points that offer gaming with cash winnings (which obviously cannot today be said to be guaranteed by online gaming). A system that truly protects players and coordinates regional regulations. An effective, concrete and implementable national and regional reform, which provides for the establishment of one Single window which, through the active involvement of operators, merchants and operational structures of the Health Authorities, networks: ADM, Concessionaires, Public Gaming Venues, the SER.D of the Local Health Authorities and the customers who will have access to the rooms through the recognition system facial. A unique, effective and dynamic control room which, with national coordination, truly helps customers, enabling merchants to fight addictions and the illegal market", concludes Campanella.

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