Behavioral Sciences for conscious play. It is the latest initiative promoted by Bva Doxa to introduce the world of Behavioral Sciences into the gaming sector. What can Behavioral Sciences do to ensure that the player is in a position to control his game action without restrictions or constraints? What factors positively influence driving responsible gaming? Jamma asked Sonia Biondi, Business Unit Manager of BVA Doxa.

  • The world of the game has been explored several times by Doxa. What are the differences between research done in the past and this initiative?

We can say that all the research in the past made us understand that it was time to act. We now know very well the various nuances of players, what their attitudes are, their ways of playing and choosing, and what are the reasons why they choose one game rather than another. Just as we have studied in depth how much and how all the various regulations that have followed one another over the years have led or not (more than not yes) towards real responsible gaming. It was time to no longer address attitudes but behavior, directing towards actions that can reflect in a truly conscious game. As BVA Doxa we are fortunate to have within the group international experts in Behavioral Sciences, a discipline which outside the Italian borders is adopted by governments and companies, and which in Italy is still too little known and widespread. The substantial difference is therefore that until now it was about knowing, now we have used this great knowledge to whisper concrete actions. In short, we have moved from theory to practice, from thought to action.

  • There is a lot of talk about gambling, highlighting the volumes of spending and the pathological consequences. In very rare cases we try to explore the reasons why we gamble. Can behavioral sciences represent a new study approach?

No, behavioral sciences do not study motivations but rather analyze behavior, act on it, and indicate the way to ethical behavior. In reality, we at Doxa have always studied gaming motivations, which is why we know well that the percentage of pathological drifts is much lower than it seems. Gaming is not only pathological, gaming is also and above all a desire for sociality, connection and community with others (see for example Bingo), challenge and healthy adrenaline (betting, scratch cards) and more. However, we needed to explore and delve deeper into what the player's journey is, what the key points are within the arcades or sales points, where a gentle push would have achieved greater results, verifying the drivers and barriers to conscious gaming. For this reason we used another very important discipline, ethnography, thus combining cultural anthropology which studies the human being within the social context through ethnographic interviews, with the behavioral sciences which identify the decision-making processes underlying actions . And this is definitely a study approach, which is not new at an international level, but which is definitely new in Italy.

  • What do you think are the most relevant issues?

In my opinion, the time has come to recognize, dust off and reinvigorate the healthy part of the game, without continuing to demonize it because we know that forbidden things are sometimes more appealing than those that are not. There are therefore two levels: that of public opinion to try to eliminate the stigma now widespread towards players, and that of players to remind them to appreciate the part of well-being inherent in a conscious game before it becomes a tunnel into which one is channeled without asking why and where it comes from. In short, gaming as a moment of relaxation, fun, sharing, stimulation, not as a source of easy profit.

  • In the past we talked about responsible gaming, today we prefer to talk about awareness. Do you agree with this vision?

Yes, I agree because it may seem like such a subtle nuance that it seems banal, but it isn't at all. Responsible can also be a person who takes the responsibility of gambling a lot of money because he is convinced that he can earn money from it. Those who are responsible for their behavior and suffer the consequences are responsible, and those who play know well that a consequence can be social exclusion and accept its effect. Aware is someone who has knowledge and awareness of their own actions, awareness cannot be inculcated: it is not a given or a notion. This is the case of awareness of risk, which does not slow down but makes us aware, it is that type of knowledge that shapes ethics, lifestyle and discipline. This is why behavioral sciences are fundamental for conscious players, because they facilitate and indicate the ethical path to be aware of one's gaming moments.

  • Could Nudge, also known as 'the gentle nudge', be an approach to follow?

I can only answer with a big and conscious Yes! Yes, because it is precisely to make players aware, kindly responsible, that we conducted this multidisciplinary research project. It is only by providing "goads" at the right point that we can help the player to restore the playful and healthy part of the game, to stop at the right moment, to play for the fun of it. And these stimuli must not be invasive, they must be whispered, always ethically leaving free will to the individual. Nudges don't impose, they whisper, that's why they work.

  • Who can this initiative of yours be useful to and why?

It might seem exaggerated, but I would tell everyone. To those who work at a legislative level to create effective but not imposing actions, to companies to carry out marketing actions in a win-win company-consumer welfare, to State Monopolies and gaming concessionaires to finally create conscious gaming campaigns that lead to concrete actions, to all institutions to train ethically respectful citizens at any social level. cm

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