“We warmly welcome this resolution because it recognizes the value of our sector and also because it focuses on a specific sector such as e-sports. What the sector needs is a tailor-made approach, there must not be a copy and paste of other regulations. We need a streamlined approach that takes into account our peculiarities. We are part of the creative cultural industry and this must be our positioning. Above all, we are a transactional sector and it is very difficult to draw the boundaries between what happens in Italy and what happens in other countries. In our opinion, an essential point of reference for any national legislation is the resolution adopted by the European Parliament at the end of 2022. This, after defining e-sports as part of the video game sector and part of the cultural, creative and media sector, establishes a very important principle, namely that the e-sports sector is different from that of sports, so a tailor-made approach is needed. There certainly must be regulation and an adequate response was given by bill 970, presented to the Senate Culture Commission, entitled 'Regulation of video game competitions'. We do not recommend the creation of a national e-sports league, because we are moving towards a sporting model that does little to work in the field of e-sports. Finally, the support measures are good, but further investigation is needed."

He said so Thalita Malagò, general director of IIDEA, heard by the joint Culture and Labor Commissions of the Chamber on the resolution concerning the introduction of an e-sports regulation.

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