Astro: looting and looting must have neither following nor rights

(Jamma) It will be the fault of the "pervading" do-gooders, it will be the fault of the "demonic" game with prizes, which induces certain intellectuals to forgive even those who commit atrocities to get money for the game, it will be the fault of the crisis of "values", but, in any case both, the jackal, on the one hand, and looting, on the other, do not deserve the right of citizenship in a free and civil society.

If a representative of the Police forces steals the wallet of a citizen who needs help or who is tragically involved in an accident, it is operation of ignoble looting, as "direct aiding and abetting" (justification) of the jackal who commits the theft.

Furthermore, the case that recently occurred is chilling, considering the intrinsic drama of the context in which Dr. Cantamessa lost her life, and other people were injured.

Memory is "lost" of this fact: of the immense humanity of a doctor who does not hesitate to bend down to help a young man injured in a fight and who is run over by a car traveling at breakneck speed, is no longer said nothing; of all the helpless people involved in the impact caused by the auto-pirate, nothing is said anymore; of the serious harm to the honor of the noble uniform tarnished by this criminal act we do not speak: all this is no longer news, but only the fact becomes that after the wallet was stolen from the young Romanian girl who was hit by the pirate car, her ATM has been unlawfully used by the military in a slot room. Here is the "magic" word for the audience: "slot", so magical that sometimes it is used even when it has nothing to do with it, as in the dramatic case of Montecitorio.

Like the politician who steals public money to play, like the drug dealer who balances 3 x2 in order to have liquidity to play, like the parent who kills his own child by leaving him in the car to go to play, the real drama of such ignoble actions " is diminished” by the contingent motive of the specific ignominy committed: “the game”.

These speculations are looting and not the right to report, because they exorbitant the real news and are deliberately linked to a media operation of popular conviction towards the nefarious effect that the game has, to which it is intended to connect "the reason" why our society falls in the most horrific of life choices.

In a civilized country, those who steal and those who leave to die go to prison and the reasons for the theft and murder, as they are irrelevant in the Court, should be so for that society which should be educated to assume responsibility for its actions and not desperately search for justifications.

The crisis of our country is not only economic, and the above testifies to it. The dignity and decency of "stoning" (metaphorically meant) those who commit horrible crimes do not require wealth but only pride of mind and "cleanliness" of thought.

If "journalism", understood as the driving force of man's civic conscience and inalienable instinct for freedom, must resort to these combinations (steal and kill and then play) in order to "attract" attention to the news, it means that we now live without one of the pillars of moral and civil growth, namely information.

Once poor countries are becoming richer than us, and this does not derive only from lucky "deposits" suddenly discovered, but from an evolution of consciences that have no longer accepted the general commiseration for their poverty "induced" by the alleged wickedness of international capitalism. We are entering a dangerous tunnel of poverty, in which our mind is asked to find a culprit for our mistakes.

The culture of "debt forgiveness", which once formed the basis of an education of honesty and pride (for the rich as well as the poor) has given way to the search for who is responsible for our debts.

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