welcome. For municipal laws and regulations, the government's ok

(Jamma) Acogi, the Italian Association of Gaming Consumers and Operators, following the go-ahead given by the Council of Ministers to two of the regional gaming laws that deal with contrasting the phenomenon of gambling addiction in various ways, in a note he declares: “Certainly local initiatives give a good sign of attention to the population and in particular to the weakest sections of it, the most predisposed to addiction phenomena of any kind. 
At the same time, the fact that the Council of Ministers has given the green light to these laws suggests the goodness of the provisions despite the fact that in some cases it seems that the local authorities want as much as possible to get their hands on the gaming sector instead of dedicating themselves to ludopathy in terms of social and health problems. 
The gaming sector, in fact, has jumped at the onset of these municipal regulations to the point of protesting against regional regulations that seem to oppose the gaming industry by not taking its opinion and experience in the sector into consideration at all. 
In fact, both associations and companies would be excellent interlocutors for politics and local authorities in order to better understand the dynamics of the games themselves and the, in some cases, macroscopic differences in the use of the various games made available to the public.

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