Confindustria Sistema Gioco Italia, Genoa: "We defend the right to work in full compliance with national legislation"


(Jamma) With regard to the contents that emerged from today's press conference on the rules of the game approved by the Municipality of Genoa, Massimiliano Pucci, vice president of Confindustria Sistema Gioco Italia, states: "The appeals to the TAR filed by the members of our Federation against the municipal regulation arise from the need to defend the right of companies in the sector to operate in the area in full compliance with the national laws already in force on gaming.
Entrepreneurs in the sector are asking to understand what space will be reserved in Genoa for legal gaming, also in order to be able to plan the important investments they are called upon to make the legal offer increasingly secure, as required by national legislation.
We are in fact convinced that legal gaming has a fundamental role in stemming the phenomena of illegality which are showing worrying signs of recovery and which repressive policies could further grow”.

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