The weekly Famiglia Cristiana dedicates a cover to the phenomenon of gambling. Among the interviews also that of Emmanuele Cangianelli, president of EGP FIPE.

Many point the finger at the system that allows "gambling that ruins" and actually profits from it.

The reply? «Games for money (or “gambling”, but this would be the legal definition of illegal games) are a culturally and politically divisive phenomenon: there is no doubt», says Emmanuele Cangianelli, the president of the EGP, the employer body of FIPE Confcommercio which represents entrepreneurs specialized in "public games", cash games regulated by the State and operated in concession systems. «However, it is a fact that in our country, since the early XNUMXs, there has been a regulation and control system studied in the world, which allows us to supervise the market (until then almost submerged) and create conditions of protection for consumers.

This system has also generated thousands of businesses and tens of thousands of employees; without talking about billions in revenue for the treasury." Cangianelli, however, admits: «The regulated market has struggled for many years to find effective solutions to prevent addictions and disorders. The cultural and political tensions I mentioned have suggested abstract solutions, not very adequate for lasting effects on the thousands of people affected by compulsiveness, even according to authoritative scientific societies. The companies I represent and, more broadly, the Confcommercio System - in the absence of effective legislative solutions, also due to divergent approaches between the State and the regional and local authorities - has long adopted a business management strategy oriented not only to guarantee widespread control of legality

in the market and conscious approaches to forms of entertainment with cash winnings, but above all to make concrete the training of operators to recognize addictions and provide treatment and the setting up of exclusion systems from gambling, the development of which can also guarantee important social communication actions on these issues.

In other words, entrepreneurs and their collaborators belonging to our system try to promote that conscious consumption of "gambling" which, if conscious, is also considered morally acceptable by the Catechism of the Catholic Church). The hope is for "a reorganization of the relevant legislation, to achieve a more solid balance between market activities, legality, protection of people" and to combat illegal platforms more incisively.

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