A workshop organized by the world association of gaming and betting operators was held today, 14 February, in Lausanne, WLA, In collaboration with the 'University of Lausanne on the definition and estimation of the illegal gambling market.

The event concluded with the general consensus of the participants on the importance of joining forces, pooling the different skills and resources available and working on the development of a common methodology to size the illegal betting market.

This also means working on a standardized definition of what legal and illegal betting is.

The University of Lausanne will draft a report and submit it to participants for feedback over the next month, after which the next steps will be decided.

The WLA thanks the University of Lausanne for its collaboration and all the participants who attended the event. Between them Luca Esposito Poleo, Executive Director of WLA, Stefano Caneppele, Professor of Criminology at the University of Lausanne, Eugenio Curia of the United Nations Office, Claudius Marinelli, Operations Coordinator of INTERPOL's Financial Crime and Anti-Corruption Center. (WLA photo)

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