Overcoming old paradigms, gender equality as a founding condition and opportunities for women of the future are among the themes at the center of the debate

«Stem, a world without gender limits»: this is the theme at the center of the lively debate held today in Benevento in the Ciardiello room of the Department of Law, Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods of the University of Sannio. 

The event, sponsored by the Municipality of Benevento, was promoted by Astro4her, a permanent table created within the association Absentertainment, designed to create a forum for discussion in which to develop the topic of gender equality, and by Microgame Spa, the main gaming service provider on the Italian market with headquarters in Benevento, Rome and Milan. 

After the institutional greetings from the Municipality of Benevento, represented by the Councilor with responsibility for Public Education Francesco Farese, the Rector Unisannio opened the proceedings Gerard Canfora, the Director of the Engineering Department Nicola Fontana, and the professor Pasquale Vito director of the Department of Science and Technology (DST). 

The debate is therefore underway on the topic of training in the scientific and technological field for women of the new generations, on overcoming old paradigms and the resulting opportunities and challenges. “Involving young women in study paths in the scientific and technological field corresponds to the situation that is defined with the English expression "win win" or a context in which everyone wins, on the one hand the girls who can find certain professional and career satisfaction life and on the other society itself which can benefit from the contribution and extraordinarily innovative methodological approach that girls can bring to this field - explained the Computer Science Professor of the ITI 'GBB Lucarelli' Technical Institute of Benevento, Charles Mazzone –. To achieve this result, the road is long and full of obstacles which are essentially linked to socio-cultural backwardness anchored to old stereotypes which do not allow young women the possibility of autonomously choosing their future education and professional training".

The experiences of some schools in Campania told by prof. Mazzone have diverted attention to the fundamental role of training institutes, schools and universities, in the promotion and enhancement of STEM disciplines among young women.  

"The new generations show a significant change in trend compared to the past because more women than men graduate. However, there remains a marked differentiation in the choice of cultural path. STEM disciplines are still little considered by the female gender, and this phenomenon is particularly marked for computer science, information engineering and industrial engineering where women make up between 15% and 30% of graduates. Yet, this was not always the case; the progress of information technology is due to the commitment of many women who have characterized its history” explained Prof. Eugenio Zimeo, Prof. Information Processing Systems Unisannio. 

  Infinite possibilities and prospects, but also many challenges and obstacles still to be overcome. At the center of the discussion, always the theme of gender equality, which significantly impacts the world of work, marking, despite the many progress made so far, profound gaps and disparities, as demonstrated by the latest data provided by Almalaurea. To date, in fact, significant gender disparities persist among second level graduates five years after obtaining the qualification, which highlight an employment gap of 4,2 percentage points. While the employment rate for women stands at 86,7%, for men it reaches 90,9%. 

Focusing on STEM graduates, five years after their second level degree, the employment rate is 94,1% for men and 90,9% for women. Among STEM graduates working full time, the wage gap persists, but narrows slightly to +11,8% in favor of men.

"In the world of STEM disciplines, women are emerging as enterprising and innovative leading forces. They tangibly contribute to growth and evolution in critical sectors, shaping a dynamic and inclusive future, where diversity of perspectives fuels innovation and excellence", he has declared Laura D'Angeli, management consultant and founder of Studio D'Angeli. 

"To fight gender stereotypes you need to have a free mind. Don't let others choose a role or function for us and believe that anything is possible - is the comment of Anna Pezza, General Director Confindustria Benevento -. History is full of positive examples, which show us the progress made in various fields and which also give us hope regarding the approach to scientific subjects. This does not mean homogenizing ourselves, but preventing differences from becoming prejudices, enhancing them to bring out the peculiarities of each one".

"Public gaming in Italy embraces new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, to improve efficiency and customer experience. This revolutionizes human resources management, offering advanced training and skills assessment tools. However, as an “early adopter”, he faces challenges such as quickly adapting to technological changes. Opportunities include talent attraction, improved employee experience and effective skill development strategies, managed through active internal communication,” he testified Gianfranco Pinto, HR Director Microgame Spa 

Making a significant contribution to the meeting were the testimonies of four extraordinary professionals from the most disparate sectors, from banking to public gaming, who intervened during the debate to tell their stories of challenges and successes in the STEM field: Anna Ciampi, Information System Officer – deputy Chief Platform Support Unit; Elisa Costante of Forescout Technologies, awarded the 2022 Cybersecurity Woman of the Year Award; Diana Fallarino, Gaming platform tech lead Microgame SpA; Lisa Serluca, Head of ICT BNP Paribas Milan. 

"Choosing a STEM education in the technological field has allowed me to follow a high-value professional and personal path. The transversality of information technology combined with the vital importance of new technologies for all companies has allowed me to work in primary international realities, to interface with different countries and cultures and to lend my contribution to companies operating in completely different sectors such as telecommunications, high technology, industry and finance. My experience helps to dispel the cliché that a STEM education is equivalent to a "nerd" job and I hope it can weaken gender bias", has explained Lisa Serluca.   

"I am satisfied with having chosen a STEM education after high school, just as I am satisfied with the choice to work for Microgame in Benevento. The legal gaming sector is stimulating due to its constant evolution and strict rules. I find flexibility and continuous updates enriching, which promote professional growth. Furthermore, thanks to the flexibility of the company I am able to guarantee myself and my family a balance between personal and professional commitments”, he said Diana Fallarino

"Sometimes, reality far surpasses dreams. If you had told me in my twenties that I would be working in technology for an international organization serving all the people of the world, I would not have believed it. I could never have conceived such a big dream. Combining love for others and affection for family with a passion for technology is something extraordinary. Today, I can proudly say that this has become my life path, fueled by an unshakable passion and total commitment”, is the comment of Anna Ciampi

“The misalignment between men and women in the STEM field is a fact that has cultural roots, my father still asks me today why I chose such a non-compliant path and such a 'difficult' path for a woman. First of all, I would like to say that I do not consider my course of study more difficult than others, and I certainly have not found it more difficult than my male colleagues. If anything, the greatest difficulty lies in the fact that choosing to build a family can have a negative impact on a woman's career. I myself chose to become a mother at 37 when I was sure that this choice would not have a negative impact on my professional career. How to resolve this impasse? In my opinion through three actions: support, role modeling and mentoring. It is essential for the new generations to be able to look at positive role models, at women who have overcome this career/family dualism, have achieved success and personal fulfillment, reconciling all aspects of their lives. It is important to be able to demonstrate that yes, it can be done! Finally, mentoring, the possibility of choosing professional figures, both men and women, who can accompany future generations in their professional career, in the crucial choices of their lives", this is the precious contribution via video message from Elisa Costante.   

"I am happy that Microgame contributed to this stimulating discussion which allowed us to explore the challenges and opportunities related to the involvement of women in fields related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The public gaming sector, represented by Microgame, is an example of how the adoption of new technologies can transform an industry. The participation of women in key roles, as highlighted during the debate, demonstrates the fundamental contribution of female skills in advanced technological contexts”, these are the words that Marco Castaldo, CEO of Microgame, entrusted Imma Romano, spokesperson of Astro4Her and Director of Institutional Relations of Codere Spa, to close the event.

"#astro4her was born spontaneously among professionals in the legal gaming sector and is consciously building an accreditation path towards both institutions and other associations - he then concluded Imma Romano -. The objective is to contribute to a cultural process that gives women back the dignity they deserve, both humanly and at a working level. Gender equality, as well as equal pay and equal opportunities, must become concrete and not remain just declarations of intent or hot rags to mask disparities and inequalities". 

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