New ADM references for collection with VLT in Emilia Romagna

(Jamma) The Director of the Emilia Romagna Regional Office, dott. Daniel Star, communicates to the concessionaires for the management of the telematic network referred to in art. 14bis of Presidential Decree no. 640/1972 and starting from 1/10/2013 the following proceedings relating to VLT theaters in Emilia Romagna:

Preliminary testing phase (including receipt of testing requests and definition of the verification date),
Post-test phase (including the issue of the certificate of suitability),
New operator takes over,
Registry corrections,
will be carried out entirely by the branch offices/sections responsible for the area:


It is recommended to periodically consult the contact details and opening hours on the website
reception, and the names of the contact persons of the aforesaid offices/branch sections, as they may be subject to change.

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